Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Demo Derby - Recap

Our Demolition Derby was a success! A big thank you to our sponsors: First State Community Bank, Warrenton Kroger, Lewis & Bade, Victory Tire, Mr Bills Thrills, Sign Design, BJ Septic, Dyer Rental, Warrenton Tire & Muffler & Warrenton Elks Lodge. Another big THANK YOU goes to all our volunteers, we could have done it without your hard work and support. We'll have more info on how much we raised for the Warrenton Handicapped Services soon.
Now we need to concentrate on the Golf Tournament. Teams, Sponsors and prizes need to be rounded up quickly so we can have another successful event. Please let Dan Dieckmann know if you have any of the above.
Check out the calendar for up coming event/meetings. Also on the main page is a link to other events happening right here in Warren County. There are some fun things happening this summer so make sure to check often.

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